Why does the Wii sleep alone at night?

This isn't a hard question to answer for most but all fanboy flame wars aside, why was the Wii such a hot seller if roughly 75% of the software being released was [below] passable to the game community? Why have sales continued to surpass the other two leading game hardware companies such as Microsoft and Sony. It seems to be a combination of things that are going on behind the Marketing over at the house that Nintendo Built. It's no hidden fact that the Wii could barely be duct-taped together fast enough( Sorry I set it up for that) to get out of the factory and into your home, living room or bathroom (that would be tricky to play...) but still as soon as they came into the store they were eaten up like a fat man at a Chinese Buffet. So let's be serious now, The Wii is a fresh new take on gaming and had its fun in the first year with games like Red Steal and the Wii-version of Zelda TLP but these games weren't perfect control wise and left the player more excited for the potential the next wave of games would bring but instead of doing just that the game well dried up and suddenly the Wii was still hard to find but the software was spilling out of the flood gates full of Herpes and Aids which forced many players to abandon their Wii's for risk of getting a shovelware STD. So this is where we are now at the Nintendo "river" or pipeline (whatever works for you) and its a quickly flowing stream of games (water...) but in that flowing river of games lurk the Leechware* waiting to suck you dry of your now very hard to earn money forcing you to put old Wii out to green pastures and turn toward the other systems but some of us (myself included) have hope that Nintendo can still clean up the mess other companies have left at it's house after what started as a fun party and get ready to start playing with the big boys and releasing Fresh water software that pushes the system and the control mechanic to a level that makes Wii fun again..sadly until then I will play No more Heroes and Mario Kart and hope....just hope....

April 17, 2009

Nintendo DSi is it an Industry improvement or just a classic case of one step forward and two steps back?

*UPDATE- DSi Seems to be in fact an improvement over the DS Lite
I posted with simply pictures before because I wanted them to do the talking but after about three months with the unit and watching as my perfectly healthy Lite gather dust I have decided that the DSi is a worthy replacement for the handheld (even if Nintendo claims it wont replace the lite...sure). The cameras at frist were a mixed bag but after I got the idea to use that camera for a flash game I'm developing, it's showing promise. While yes it's not the best pixel (front cam: 3 megapixel /inside cam: .03 megapixel) for your money it nice to have them and opens up the unit for game to tap into their use. Now the system is a bit more the the standard Ds Lite (DSi 169.99 USD) but I got it for twenty bucks so I feel it was my moneys worth. The DSi has a shop channel, which takes a page right from the Wii shop channel which isn't offering a whole lot as of right now. There are a few nintendo staples such as a Mario vs. Donkey Kong and a rehashing of Dr. Mario which isn't awful and if you got your DSi early they gave you 1000 points (equal to 10.00 USD) so thats nice. Gameloft and Activision have a few games up showing their suport and they arent copy and paste games either Mixed Messages by Activision is a great tool if you have a ton of friends and Gameloft has provided a 4th installment to Assphalt GT series with/o touch controls which is a plus over Namco's Ridge Racer which forced you to play a rehashed N64 game with touch only controls. So that's a start to the game content and I would be foolish to think games wont wow us later on with the service. The Web broswer wouldn't be as much fun if it weren't free. Now yes you may view pron (no I wanted to spell it that way) but parents can block all that should this system be for the little ones. Don't want little johny learning about what he can do when no ones around and forget to hang out with real girls now do we? So in final fasion I will say if you have the money and do not own any DS of any kind at this point ( you really should by now the library of titles is great...shame on you if you haven't) You should pick up the newest member of the handheld family because there is a little bit for everyone in this system from the games to the apps.
Overall: 4/5

April 5, 2009

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