Adult Swin Design Contest Entry

Adult Swim is sick and tired of Making content for us, So it's now our turn to do all the work! This is what is said on the Adult Swim site in regards to a t-shirt Design Contest. The winner will get their shirt printed and given out for free. The site is being sponsored by Honda but it just screams fun. I have submitted two designs one of which was rejected and I'll let you be the judge as to why but Here's to hoping the one they picked gets to the number one spot! Here is the link the site all you have to do is become a member and vote your butt off to make the design you like win and in a few months you could be wearing the design you like for free!!!

My user name is Monkeypoo2

The design is Evilcat Copy (rate is all fives baby!)

Hill (just black and white SRL)

Silent Dreams (Classic)

Here is the one they rejected!
Boozetrip (I really like this one but I think it was the Booze comment that got it rejected)

May 21, 2008

Films versus Games Round one!

As the games industry continues to grow it's safe to say Hollywood is having trouble with where to grow. Another issues is where can they make the most money? I was just watching a PBS documentary on advertising in films. The more I continued to watch the more I began to understand the amount of control the advertising companies have on the types of movies that get made and the places these product are pushed the most. It got me thinking about advertising in games. Games and films are different in this area simply because products in games are fairly new compared to movies. According to the case study movie studios have the placement and written-in control of these products down to a science, its scary. They were spitting out examples on some of my most favorite films and once I could see where and why these choices were made it began to upset me. Hollywood simply can't make a film these days without product placement because before everything was done with investors its was all a film had behind it but more and more the investors are backing down and chain companies are moving in. This is interesting with games because most of the time finding products in a game is an after thought unless a company like EA asks for "Power ad" to be in madden 09 but games don't need it as much. There are loads of "placeholder" art for mimicking real products without having to make it a coke bottle so coke doesn't need to see a profit. I wonder if the more expensive games become the more apparent this product placement will become. Sometimes it works great and can even work to be funny or clever within a movie or game but many games are marketed to kids and for me I don't sit down to write a script or design document with products in mind I know that it can help if someone like coke could invest a large sum so that a "soda can" becomes a "diet coke" but again what does that do for the players? Does the fact that it is a coke change the experience or take them out of it?What importance does it draw away from the story? Just something to think about as you look at some of my other works at the moment.


Think Crazy Taxi meets Katamari. A casual game with a fun use of physics and mission based gameplay.

Read the Design Document (Now with pictures!)

May 19, 2008

Finishing portfolio page and Sending out resumes...

Well it been a busy last few weeks with Graduating so I haven't been able to finish my website like I planned. All I feel I need to do now is provide a explanation page for all the documents so that the viewer will know what I did on the project and the things I took away in the process. I will work really hard in the next few days to get all that organized and up and then rework my resume one more time to add the projects not just my jobs and start sending things out there...

As I was going through my old game design work I found some neat projects I did the first year at Champlain.

This is a basic 3-d model of the Nintendo DS that I made in Maya. It must have a ridiculous poly count but as much as I love to Draw it's safe to say I'm not an amazing modeler but I had fun. the first time I made the DS it had working hinges and a GBA game(modeled) that could fit inside but the computer crashed and it was never saved so I put this together in about an hour before it was due and I think it worked out well.

This was my 3-d final. I had to take everything I learned from the class and apply it to a small animation that entailed a word (Exaggeration) and making the animation work for that word. The word: Exaggeration I took literally by making a giant spoon similar to the famous "my spoon is too big" video and I think even if the video quality isn't top notch the idea I had for how to show the word being used work just fine.

May 9, 2008

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