Social Updates/ If you even want to marry outside the US...ever...pending book deal

Hello has been far too long since my last TOP TEN post and to which For the two of you who saw it I hope you enjoyed it. I am blogging on this September 11th to lay down some facts, rant, and explain a few things about marriage to a non-us national and touch on some of the issues that will without a doubt stand in your way. Now first it must be said that all the information about what one should do and keep an eye on when fileing paperwork and getting paperwork for that matter can be different depending on what Country your hoping to meet that special someone and spend the rest of your life together with. I am in Bulgaria a new member to the EU and really missunderstood place in eastern Europe. I am from Vermont another less talked about and mostly unknown area to the United States, I can't count how many people still can't recall where it is or claim "its that place near New York and Canada right?" as they then talk about whatever they know about The area around Vermont or just ski trips to it...lame. But I am in the heart of Bulgaria which is Sofia. It's got a lot going for it at the moment first being a new member to the EU gives it a much better understanding to local Eruopeans and has since then become a much traveled hot spot even for Americans, such as myself. So tomorrow is our long awaited Wedding and thank you I am excited but first some legal stuff about how things work around here as best I have been able to find and have gone through. Many would tell you if you are looking to stay long here a type D-visa shuld be given and that's not a bad idea in the slightest manly because to get around that you need to know people, which I do and it was just luck really so don't be upset. Your embassy with play a large role in obtaining the rights to marry here in Sofia. you must have your passport when making trips there inorder to even enter but I hope you already knew that. If you just hop on a plane and head over here minus the flight ticket cost be ready to file for an extention if you didn't apply for a D-visa at your local embassy back home, which honestly is such a pain in the ass to make people do. there are about only three Bulgarian embassies that can help you wih this and a list of which one takes care of the US state you live in (all can be found here Click )

Mine happend to be New York, Albany to be exact and I e-mailed months in advance to just see what it was all about. Here was my question and answer from the Official Rep at the embassy as for what I could do with getting married.
"Thank you Nikolay Milkov, for taking the time to to answer my letter this information helps. I have a few other questions if you don't?mind helpping me with,?Does this mean I can go to bulgaria and marry and then apply for the d-visa? Or would I have to return to the U.S. after being married and apply back in the U.S. and then return to bulgaira? I just want to be with my fiancee and I would like to contribute by holding a job and the only way to have either of those is a d-visa if im not mistaken. Again thank you for your time.

Richard J. Ackel"

"I think that you can apply for a D-type visa after your wedding not necessarily in the US. It could be done in a Consular service near the country, such as Nis (Serbia), Skopje (Macedonia), Bucharest (Romania) which seems to me to be the most convinient because the Romanians travel visa free to Bulgaria and I do not think there will be a line in front of the consular service."

this was what I banked on when coming here to sofia because it is his job to address these questions and that was his answer so for me i saved it for proof (save everything any official sends you for proof do not rely on your word that someone will agree should a problem pop up..ever!!!)

Once here we as a couple were so excited to no longer be talking or seeing one another over the internets becuase thats a real drang and can make any relationship almost impossible or result in either party giving up and if your still going strong anything else in this life that happens while you are together wont stand in your way I promise you that! So we had to get blood tests and there are a few places here in the city that deal with the embassies just for this matter its not expensive nor will it take long the only thing is getting a needle in your arm...just dont' look. Your results can be processed in a few hours and now you have one of the steps to check off I say do this sooner then later. We waited longer then we should for it and it wasnt bad just had to do a lot for running around. The test looks for STDs and AIDs so yay to you to know if that toilet set was clean at the airport!! or to know if she didn't tell you something better to find out now but lets hope that never is the case.

Next file at the US embassy for marriage, it's 30 lev or just use your card/debit card and it is all set just some info will need to be relayed mainly that you are 18 and older, you are not married already or if you have divorced before and once thats all checked you have a document that will open the door for marriage to a Bulgarian/anyother nation citizen!!!! A++ but we are far from out of the woods yet. Once the document is given to you you must travel to the Ministry of Forgein Affairs and drop that new piece of paper off to be legalized here in Sofia/or where ever this should be done. It should be the same for any country because this blog is assuming one of you is from the US so that should make much of the process similar. It can take 7 days and you must get stamps before entering otherwise you cant file for it so 4 stamps and this can be done at any postoffice and then you take a number once inside kinda like the DMV and then you file for the Bulgarian or other nation to legalize it, they just check to see that its not a fake and approve it.

Next step is taking that new document over to a wedding hall where you can choose your setting, be it a chruch for religion or just a nice little wedding hall and set a date! It costs about 60 lev here to set this up but its just one more step closer to getting you hitched!! now once thats done you get a receipt as proof and i suggest getting a folder or binder to keep all these papers in so its nice and neat. Also make about 6 copies of your passport because even when your getting the first steps mainy places will just want that copy for their records and its not fun to get all the way there and have to leave and find a photocopier really fast down the street or even me not fun!

Ok we have the US marriage doc now and its legal and the medical test is all set and we are clean which is a plus and a date has been set yay! Still not even close to out of the woods, im sorry it will really try your reslove to be together so if your kina for this idea but not really this will be the test for you. Now you have to look good so if you planned ahead (i didn't) you need a suit and she needs a dress and all I can say is prey for sales and have money. Oh and again if you didnt preprep have rings, now there are a few places that sell cheap wedding rings and lets face it not everyone is rich this might be the way to go just for now its not the end of the world nice rings can come later when you have more money and we all know right now in the world money isn't flying at us as much as it once did. There is also a website that can send wedding bands (him and her) bands that match and cost not much at all and can be sent the next day if your in a bind (I was) it's and they have other cool stuff for al your needs and can send it right to where you live in Sofia.

Ok so for the wedding itself you need two witnesses im sorry i didnt touch on that above but yes two and parents of either of you don't count ( but if your parent are coming fro the us that's sweet!)so hope she has a girlfriend who can be the maid of honnor and maybe a guy friend for your bestman or if you have awesome friends back home get them over here cause I didn't have either but luckily i knew a guy from college who was bulgarian and lived here i mean what are the odds! but you must have that. And then there are some extra things you will need for the wedding as well (Two wine or dinning glasses) they can range in price so pick whats either what you want or just what you can afford and some Champane you must provide this they wont let you marry without it. As a note if you smoke i say don't quit just yet it might be your only vise to relax you from the stress and if you don't i say start because drinking makes it hard to get things done *Joke do whatever* So let see if im missing something...If you want in sofia its a tradtion to have a lunch or dinner with everyone after the wedding so look at places to host this event and try to get to know them well they can offer a discount sometimes...

As for after the wedding if you want to live here well I'm still in that process so I will let you know how that is possible or not and if you want your new bulgarian bride/husband to come back to the states be ready to do it alone and def def get a lawyer and since im not planing to do that yet i cant go into more detail but I have a lawyer and I know that process takes months of time and lots of money so its good to have someone whos job it is to know all the ins and outs cause you can't aford to file or not file something and have to pay more and start over god that would be a mistake. So I hope this helps anyone out there and comment if you like but tomorrow is my big day and I hope as goes well and i can post a positive blog again soon of how I am able to stay and work here...oh i worked my butt off to get a job here and interviewed long before the wedding was setup so that might be my ticket to stay I cant say it will work for everyone I was really lucky that my resume payed off and my work got them so interested that they would do the paperwork so I wouldn't have to return home and get that D-visa but again nothing is in stone and I will keep you posted! Let's think happy thoughts!

September 11, 2009

Top Ten Anime/Game Weapons

I have always enjoyed Top Ten lists and videos for a long time now. has some of the most interesting and fun lists to watch when your bored. This is my personal list of the Top Ten Weapons in all of Anime and games. This is my opinion and is in no way official but feel free to write a comment if I missed a weapon you think really deserves to be on this list...I will listen to your request but doubt I will honor it. These weapons are just sexy in everyway. they have to be fresh and inovative to make this list so without further ado I present the Top Ten weapons in anime/games.

10. Harman Smith (dragonuv sniper rifle)

This almost didn't make it and almost all of the killer 7 have amazing weapons but that's not air tank on this old mans wheelchair...

9. Wing Zero Custom (Buster Cannon)


8. No More Heroes (Speed Buster)

Never trust old ladies with full shopping carts who knows they might have a tank cannon hidden to see her get can run but I doubt she'll miss.

7. Nickolas D. Wolfwood (Cross-gun)

A traveling preacher who comes more then prepared. This this a swiss army knife of weapons and its looks really cool and wouldn't we all love to have a gatling gun, pistol cach and mini rocket launcher? hmmm?

6. No More Heroes (Beam Katana)

Star wars may have opened the door but travis doesn't mess around. Plus he has to shake it up and down in his crotch area to

5. Fallout 3 (Fat Man MIRV)

A handheld nuke launcher..yep *note to user firing indoors are your or disgrestion. Oh look a little man was sent flying...I don't think the landing killed him...

4. Trigun (Angel Arm)

Vash already has two guns that can take out a whole city but just for kicks why not add a thrid that can destroy whole planets...or put a hole in the moon...

3. EDF ( Genocide Gun)

The name speaks for itself...just look at what it does in the video...good thing hitler never knew about this...

2. Super Metroid (Rainbow Beam)

You have an undefeatable boss until your friend takes his own life to switch the balance of power making you spray rainbow energy. Anyone who can shoot rainbows that kill is pretty amazing in my book.

1. Outlaw Star (Caster gun)

Finding a Video that showcases this clever and most dangerous weapon was hard as it is to find ammo for it. The gun shoots mini to large BLACKHOLES nuke or large explostion can top being sucked into oblivion plus the thing can sap part of your life per shot so don't go wasting it on small animals in the backyard.

Well that's my TOP TEN. I suggest if you haven't played or seen any of these games/shows you should!

August 4, 2009

No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle (Wii)

Well this is what I'm taking about. Linked from link from link and now it's finally here watered down the internet highway straight from me to you, a sneak peek at the next Suda 51 masterpiece!

June 17, 2009

Why does the Wii sleep alone at night?

This isn't a hard question to answer for most but all fanboy flame wars aside, why was the Wii such a hot seller if roughly 75% of the software being released was [below] passable to the game community? Why have sales continued to surpass the other two leading game hardware companies such as Microsoft and Sony. It seems to be a combination of things that are going on behind the Marketing over at the house that Nintendo Built. It's no hidden fact that the Wii could barely be duct-taped together fast enough( Sorry I set it up for that) to get out of the factory and into your home, living room or bathroom (that would be tricky to play...) but still as soon as they came into the store they were eaten up like a fat man at a Chinese Buffet. So let's be serious now, The Wii is a fresh new take on gaming and had its fun in the first year with games like Red Steal and the Wii-version of Zelda TLP but these games weren't perfect control wise and left the player more excited for the potential the next wave of games would bring but instead of doing just that the game well dried up and suddenly the Wii was still hard to find but the software was spilling out of the flood gates full of Herpes and Aids which forced many players to abandon their Wii's for risk of getting a shovelware STD. So this is where we are now at the Nintendo "river" or pipeline (whatever works for you) and its a quickly flowing stream of games (water...) but in that flowing river of games lurk the Leechware* waiting to suck you dry of your now very hard to earn money forcing you to put old Wii out to green pastures and turn toward the other systems but some of us (myself included) have hope that Nintendo can still clean up the mess other companies have left at it's house after what started as a fun party and get ready to start playing with the big boys and releasing Fresh water software that pushes the system and the control mechanic to a level that makes Wii fun again..sadly until then I will play No more Heroes and Mario Kart and hope....just hope....

April 17, 2009

Nintendo DSi is it an Industry improvement or just a classic case of one step forward and two steps back?

*UPDATE- DSi Seems to be in fact an improvement over the DS Lite
I posted with simply pictures before because I wanted them to do the talking but after about three months with the unit and watching as my perfectly healthy Lite gather dust I have decided that the DSi is a worthy replacement for the handheld (even if Nintendo claims it wont replace the lite...sure). The cameras at frist were a mixed bag but after I got the idea to use that camera for a flash game I'm developing, it's showing promise. While yes it's not the best pixel (front cam: 3 megapixel /inside cam: .03 megapixel) for your money it nice to have them and opens up the unit for game to tap into their use. Now the system is a bit more the the standard Ds Lite (DSi 169.99 USD) but I got it for twenty bucks so I feel it was my moneys worth. The DSi has a shop channel, which takes a page right from the Wii shop channel which isn't offering a whole lot as of right now. There are a few nintendo staples such as a Mario vs. Donkey Kong and a rehashing of Dr. Mario which isn't awful and if you got your DSi early they gave you 1000 points (equal to 10.00 USD) so thats nice. Gameloft and Activision have a few games up showing their suport and they arent copy and paste games either Mixed Messages by Activision is a great tool if you have a ton of friends and Gameloft has provided a 4th installment to Assphalt GT series with/o touch controls which is a plus over Namco's Ridge Racer which forced you to play a rehashed N64 game with touch only controls. So that's a start to the game content and I would be foolish to think games wont wow us later on with the service. The Web broswer wouldn't be as much fun if it weren't free. Now yes you may view pron (no I wanted to spell it that way) but parents can block all that should this system be for the little ones. Don't want little johny learning about what he can do when no ones around and forget to hang out with real girls now do we? So in final fasion I will say if you have the money and do not own any DS of any kind at this point ( you really should by now the library of titles is great...shame on you if you haven't) You should pick up the newest member of the handheld family because there is a little bit for everyone in this system from the games to the apps.
Overall: 4/5

April 5, 2009

*Download Content* The selling of incomplete and broken games!?

Now more then ever "DLC" or Downloadable Content as it were, has taken the gaming market by storm (mainly on X-box 360) and is showing no sign of slowing down. It has gotten to the point now that companies are including this content as a long term plan to draw out the life or replay value of their games so that they are being played longer after their release. But what if this isn't just a plan to stretch out the life of a game but more a fall back for when a game releases with bugs and glitches due to short production schedules? So if a game gets a poor review...they will say "wait!", there's more! and if you pay the additional 800 ms points (=10 USD) you can have what we meant to give you but were in a hurry to complete! thus making a USD 59.99 game into a USD 69.99 game plus local tax from when you first bought it. But this trend shows little sign of stopping from both sides the game companies love it and they have the users now looking forward to the next quick update and additional level to play that's about 3 dollars an hour if you think that's your moneys worth... Sound off your opinion in the comments section! Happy DLC day!

*UPDATE- Another major point is the pricing of this content and what happens when you are left with an overage. For example I will preform simple math to illustrate my point. Lets say you have purchased the new fallout 3 (which this games quality is not in question 10/10) and it's either one of the two standard price tags 59.99 or 79.99 (limited edition lunchbox) and lets add local Vermont sales tax to this purchase. So, you have 59.99, which already is a false asking price and add 7% sales tax, with 6% of it being state tax and 1% Burlington tax and this game at it's cheapest comes in at $64.19. The point system is different in retail and on the Microsoft Market place. Retail a point card comes in two flavors 1600 points and 4000 points (19.99 and 49.99 respectively) and on the site is ranges from 1000 points up to 7500 or something, I'm starting to skip steps to hurry my point sorry, and Fallout 3's DLC is 800 ms points. Well either way you have to get the points from either a retail chain or the site both will cost you more then the needed 800 points which leaves you with an overage and with nothing but pictures and themes to try your luck at spending the rest of your points on, which is a sad way to keep your points at bay or generally wasted or leave you with a 80 point gamer pic!! while you now have 70 ms points left thus returning you to buy more point cards should you want another Fallout 3 DLC and this would put you around over 80 dollars total for a game that was already costing you more then half a hundred from the start...I am not upset I just really wish I was apart of that financial pie!

March 5, 2009

*New Projects*

I hope you like the new layout, it's nice. I have been on a 3 month break from my site and work but now I'm back and Ready to finish a few projects and have them up to playtest soon. I hope you find it as fun as I had making it and if not let me know so I can fix it cause when you deal with a game for so long you forget the little things in the code others might pick up on right away.

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